Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ticked Off

I finally got the first season of the Tick on DVD and I have to say that I'm very disappointed. I don't know if Beuna Vista just doesn't have any love for the show, but this is one of the poorest looking DVD sets I've ever seen.

Now, I have some problems with the first season of the Tick to begin with: the animation is a bit weak in some areas (though some of it, like character designs, holds up rather well), the humour isn't as strong as following seasons and while it certainly has charm the first season, it doesn't quite click. I also don't really like Mickey Dolenz (of Monkees fame) as Arthur. He's no bad really and he has nebbish down but the I prefer Rob Paulson's take on him, who gives Arthur a bit more personality. The problem with the humour is in part a problem with timing and delivery (there are some jokes that I realize I would love in print but the screen fails to deliver) and just poor plotting. Still, there are lots of great jokes, including the Carpeted Man's refusal to take off his super s
hit despite sweating profusely, Stalingrad (a villain whose power is looking like Stalin) and most of the episode "the Tick vs. the Tick" where the two super-heroes fight over the use of the super-hero name. And for the first seasons failings I still like it (though would not necessarily recommend it).

However, the DVD is pretty piss poor. The only thing I appreciate is that the set features a cover with new art by creator Ben Edlund. Lovely. But the menu itself is both bare bones and ugly looking. The menu shows the Tick (Arthur in disc two) standing while wacky things move about the scene while the theme song plays. It doesn't sound too bad when I say it, but it's irritating and hideous. There's no extras (though there are trailers for other stuff before the menu comes up. I hate that), which is a shame because I would have like some Ben Edlund commentary and maybe some more insight into the series, as well as the creation of the character (which he first created for his university newsletter).

Also, episode 11 is missing. Now it's a pretty weak episode ("the Tick Vs. the Mole Men") and I'm not fighting to get it but I just don't like the fact that they would do that. It's the principle of the thing.

Still, I'm looking forward to season two, when things get really good. In fact, I'm going to make a list of the series best episodes, simply because lists are easy for me to write. Must have something to do with my lack of imagination:

Best Episodes of Season Two:

Alone Together: An accident on the moon shoots the Tick into deep space where he's saved by a cosmic entity named Omnipotus. Omnipotus agrees to bring the Tick home if the Tick acts as his personal hygenist. *shudder* Too bad Omnipotus is planning to eat the Earth when he gets to it.

Classic Quote:
(After the Tick convinces Omnipotus not to eat the Earth and teaches him the meaning of friendship)
The Tick: (whispering to Arthur) "I don't even really like him."

Evil Sits Down for a Moment: The vain super-hero (if you can call him that) Die Fledermaus and furniture controlling villainous Ottoman Empress fall in love. It's all fun and games at first until the Empress asks for a commitment. Plus, the Tick is convinced he's an elderly British woman.

Classic Quote:
The Tick: "Oh, look, Arthur! It's a completely rehabilitated villain. She's comfortable with herself. Comfort, commitment, marriage... what do all these things have in common? The letter C! Except for marriage. And if people get all British when they get knocked on the head... what do British people get? I know! Comatose! Another C!"

Ants in Pants!: After the Tick has an unpleasant run in with evil ants, he checks himself into Captain Sanity's Superhero Sanitarium. Unfortunately, Captain Sanity's only idea is to have his Shaft-like assistant Taft ("Yer darn right") fight the Tick in different costumes.

Classic Quote:

(while wrestling each other)
Taft: "I'm your momma, man!"

Grandpa Wore Tights: The Tick and Arthur spend the day at the super-heroes retirement home while the Terror, an elderly villain, seeks a weapon they took from him years ago. Old people are amusing.

The Visual Eye: "Oh, the Ray Gun was terrible weapon. Turned everyone it hit into a guy named Ray."

(Flashes to a sepia-toned city scape crawling with friendly, young gas station attendents)
Ray: "Fill 'er up, chief?"

The Visual Eye: "Then there was the Tommy Gun..."

Best of Season Three:

That Mustache Feeling: The Tick inexplicably wakes up with a mustache, which he obsesses over. But when the mustache begins acting on it's own the Tick begins a decent into madness. Who holds the answer to the problem? Jim Rage, Agent of S.H.A.V.E.!

Classic Quote:
The Tick: "Hey, you have both eyes! You're not a secret agent at all! You're just some guy who hates my mustache!"

Devil In Diapers: The villain Mr. Mental seeks protection, so he hypnotizes the Tick and Arthur into thinking he's a baby. It's pretty creepy seeing a 40-year old man being treated like a baby but it's a funny sort of creepy.

Classic Quote:
None I can't think of. I'm still creeped out by the forty year old in diapers.

The Tick Vs. Education: The Tick teaches an Adult education class for super-heroes. His students: The Flying Squirrel, Sarcastro: Master of Sarcasm, Mr. Exciting, Gesundheit, and Babyboomarangotan. Together they must face ice cream mascot Uncle Creamy and the KGB Agent who replaced him.

Classic Quote:
Ex-KGB Agent and current Uncle Creamy Ivan Rubek: (In with a stern tone and Russian accent) "Hello, children. We are having fun at this time. My carefree antics are winning your hearts."

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