Friday, December 23, 2005

Tippy Tippy Tay

Well, we had our final annual all night get together last Saturday/Sunday and the next day we had said had a going away party for the twins and frankly, I'm still a bit tuckered. I think I could use a break from my friends. But nonetheless, I had a great time. Here's a quick log of what happened in those three days.

Saturday, 1:34PM -Arrived at Jordan's late. It wasn't my fault, but I kind of wish it was, since Jordan being pissed off is hilarious. He was watching a poorly animated cartoon about pixies trying to become Christmas elves. So, does this mean that elf is a rank rather than a creature or are these guys just trying to change species? If these are different races and Santa only desires help from an elven race, does that make santa racist? And in what way where the species different. I was clearly way in over my head here. Clearly, this is a subject that Oliver Stone should handle in his next film. It would have to be better than that piece of shit Alexander film.

2:20ish PM - After we watched Jordan mess around with Katamari Damashi (or is it Damacy. For some reason I remember some un-Japanese like spelling) for a while, we played Mario Kart Double Dash. That game does not get old. Of course, then again, we don't play it that often, but I love it. There's something fun of the teamwork of the game, especially with Aiden. Now there's a teammate. Now don't get me wrong, I like Darcy and Jordan, but Jordan is the bossy type and Darcy... we'll it's not his playing so much as his personality. I can't put my finger on what it is about Darcy that doesn't make him my choice but I guess it's that. I like him and I have no problem with his personality (except when he smells or tries to dry hump me) but it doesn't seem appropriate for the game. I just don't feel that he wants to win. I know he'd like to win but he doesn't want it.

Jordan, on the other hand, has the "winning edge". That's the name of the switchblade he'll cut you with if he feels that, as a teammate, you impede his winning. I'd much rather be his hated enemy with than his hated teammate. After all, he makes a more than worthy opponent and I still have someone to fall back on.

Aiden makes a great other player because he knows how to support my so-so game playing and turn my second place into first. He found a way to take a seemingly shallow and empty supporting player role (on his insistence) in which he just shoots stuff, and made up for my weaknesses in cornering and trap evasion. Plus we were all about the blue sparks. Bravo Aiden. Even when we weren't number one... I wasn't on Jordan's team. Oh, and I felt like a winner or something.

6:00-ish PM- Dinner was good. I suck at old arcade games. I know that they're hard... but man do I suck.

7:30-ish PM - Jordan's a timewasting dick. Driving around with Trevor on top of us might seem fun to you, but the joke didn't really get any funnier. Strange how Trevor actually believed you when you said you were taking him to your place for, like, the third time. Some people never learn.

8:40-ish PM - We played Karaoke Revolution. It was awesome. None of us sang well, but half of us sang competently and used the right pitch that the game wanted, so good enough for me. The twins did well towards the end, but the problem is that they are even more shy than Jordan, and he aspires to be a recluse. The hardest parts were the bits of song no one seems to remember (I assumed that there was just mostly refrain in "Play that Funky Music.") I was the overall victor, but I think that Jordan was a damned good contender and even beat me in a song neither of us had heard of (probably because it was terrible). I think I did as well as I did because most of my song picks were eighties hits, and I have a thing for the music of the eighties. They have a certain melody that I follow better than generations of music. I think everyone wanted to play again, but Jordan didn't want to have his money wasted on board games.

12:50-ish PM - Pictionary. I really don't remember this game sucking as much as it did. It was cute for a half hour, but FOUR FUCKING HOURS OF THE GAME IS FUCKING ANNOYING. I also don't remember the terrible rule set. I hate the "all play" turns, which are seemingly all of them. I think it's dumb in principle cause often when we did simultaneous pictures, we'd would kinda point to the guy closest to the truth. I like idea of making crappy drawing and trying to get people to figure out what it means is fun. Unfortunately it doesn't last as long as the game thinks it should.

4:00 PM: Scattegories - This is a fun game. Unlike Pictionary and Taboo, which is about conveying a simple idea with limitations, it is more about trying to think of an original and less obvious answers with keeping in the guidelines. Still, I had issues about some player's choice of hero. I really don't know whose less of a hero: Kelsey Grammer or King Kong. Very depressing.

6:00 PM: Taboo - Great game. The last time we played this the best part was Darcy screwing up and saying things he specifically wasn't supposed to say. This time the best part was Jordan going psycho when his players couldn't figure his clues out. Oh, Jordan, you're hatred and your competitive nature are so entertaining.


That was a pretty good time. Does anyone know how to light a stove anymore? Very informative... that's all I can think of.


Darcy Cameron said...

"Driving around with Trevor on top of us might seem fun to you, but the joke didn't really get any funnier."

I have to disagree. It definitely got funnier. And looking back on it, it's even funnier. I laughed out loud when I read this.

Anonymous said...

I play games to have fun, thats the difference between me and some people.