Wednesday, August 15, 2007

She Touched Me in a Special Way

Hey I got a girl's number recently. It's quite sweet story. I was riding my bike across the street when I saw her. She was in her car. And when I saw her, I was struck.

By her car.


Luckily I was completely fine, but still we called the police in to make sure everything was cool. We exchanged numbers so I could contact her in case something came up. Too bad she already had a boyfriend (or a brother) and doesn't speak English. She seemed sweet.

The next day (and apparently she works in Posful, the building I work in) she brought me some sweet mini-croissants and a sports drink. People tend to give gifts for things like this. Perhaps I've struck a goldmine. A painful, painful goldmine. OK, maybe not. But hey, free Pocari Sweat.

I love telling this story. Don't want to tell my Mom though. She going to get pissed that I wasn't wearing a helmet. People just don't seem to wear them here, so I don't want to offend anybody.


Jordan said...

I love telling this story.
You do tell it well.

Anonymous said...

Hey, i just asked you the other day if you got and women's number. You sir lied to me!

Stefan Robak said...

Different woman, Aiden.