Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Man, what a weekend. For those of you who don't know, I travelled to Halifax to be interviewed for work with the NOVA corporation, which would allow me to teach English in Japan. Frankly, I've been getting ready for this for quite a while. In fact, the week leading up to this I was a bit of a nervous wreck. Just when I think I remembered everything, there was something else to do.

I spent most of Friday and Sunday riding on a bus and reading comics and books. It wasn't really all that fun. At around 6:30ish I got to Halifax and got to my hotel, which ended up costing about $238 including meals and such. It was a pretty decent hotel, though I didn't really have time to enjoy it. I spent most of the night getting ready mentally and ironing the Hell out of my shirt for the interview. Unfortunately, the next morning I discovered that I had ironed one of the buttons off my shirt. Luckily, it wasn't that obvious and I don't think cost me any points but it upset me greatly.

I got to my 8:45 appointment on time (I wanted to be earlier, but the first taxi the hotel called for me never showed up). The first interview was really more of a presentation and information session, though there was some teaching practice. It went pretty good, but I knew that it would be the second interview that would count. Unfortunately, I was the last person to have a one-on-one interview, giving me free time between 11:30 and 4:15. I got some lunch and got some comics from Strange Adventures, but that just took two hours and I spent the rest of the time hanging around the hotel.

The one-on-one interview didn't go bad but I tripped up a little in some areas. I was quite nervous and that affected my performance a little and I wasn't sure quite what the interviewer was looking for. Still, I think my role-playing as teacher went really well and I really got to show off my teaching skills well enough. Still, I'm as nervous as sin and I'm supposed to get my answer come Friday.

Anyhoo, I spent that night with friends of the family and was treated very well (as the elderly like to do) and took the bus out of town the next day.

Now if this thing with NOVA doesn't work out I can still try with JET, but I really hope that I get hired by NOVA, as I really like what I hear about it so far.

And frankly, I just want it because I already invested so much emotionally into this last weekend.

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