Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Conversations with Clod

(By the way, I'm the titular clod)

Well, I had two job interviews today, both of which rather well.

First, I had an interview with Zellers which turned out much better than expected. I wasn't sure even if I wanted to work there simply because I would be afraid it would be like Wal-Mart. I never really hated working at Wal-Mart per se, but I never really liked it that much either. I think I'd like working at Zellers more, partially because I'd only have part-time hours and because the positions available mean I won't have to work in the clothing department again. I feel very confident about the interview because there are plenty of openings, only a few other people being interviewed and the guy interviewing me took a liking to me. Seems he was a "Brunsy" (writer for the Brunswickan) too and said something along the lines of "anything for a fellow Brunsy". Nice guy, but that statement struck me as a little weird, as he repeated it a couple of times and I never really thought of the Brunswickan as a kind of fraternity. But any interview that ends with a discussion of the merits of Grant Morrison's run on X-Men is a successful interview in my books.

Strangely, this is the second interview I've had so far and the second one were I meet people who know comics (though not as much as I, if I may sound like a pretentious snobby ass) as the same thing happened when I was interviewed by Chapters a week ago and found that half of the other people in the group interview were talking about comics. A good omen?

Anyhoo, my other interview was a second interview with Chapters, who asked me a few extra questions. It was a pretty short interview (about 15 minutes) and they told me that I'll be informed within the next couple of days if I have the job. My hopes are up and if I get the job, I'll get 30% off all books and 10% off giftware (plates and stuff). I don't know if it stacks with my iRewards card but either way that's a pretty sweet deal. I'm hoping and praying for that call.

Both jobs start out as part-time jobs but that shouldn't be a problem for me as long as I can balance it along with my part-time work with the ELP, who I have a meeting with on Friday. I know I have that work if I want it, but I just hope whatever work I get allows me to work with ELP too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Being a Brunsie means doors will open up for you. There are many of us who've gone on to successful careers because other Brunsies have given us a chance.