Sunday, November 06, 2005

Shakespeare Legends

Jordan, Aiden and I beat X-Men Legends, and while it was a fun game it was heavily flawed. The story was really pitiful and the levels tended to get really repetitive after a while. Not only that, but I felt that Jordan's insane need to destroy everything took a lot of the fun out of the destructable environments. Dude, even if there is a health packet hidden in the very hard to reach pipes, its not going to be worth the effort. The cut scenes were also horrible, featuring a very goofy looking team of X-Men (especially Wolverine). The game also had a lack of boss battles and several scenes where villains pop up to taunt our heroes, then run away (a scene with the Blob jumping of an aircraft carrier was particularly perplexing).

Still, there's nothing like the terrifying feeling of fighting an army of giant sentinels or beating up non-generic mutants. Good stuff. Possibly my favourite part of the game was the Skirmish, which turned out to be a lot more fun than I expected. Still, the problem with having other characters wail on each other is that you can't do it with your own character's build (lame) and if characters are mismatched, it can be a long boring fight to the finish.

Looking forward to X-Men Legends 2 though. There seem to be a lot of improvements (most notably the cut scenes, which now look much better) and a lot of fun characters to mess around with (yay, Scarlet Witch!). I'm hoping the stories a little better and the villains more interesting (and with more variety), but as I understand it, a lot of the generic bad guys are still monotonous. Nonetheless, I'm looking forward to it.

I also started tutoring a teenager named Jun Park. He is close to fluent in English, but he still needs help with a many words. I'm helping him with his work on Romeo and Juliet (which would definitely give anyone trouble if English isn't there first language) and teaching him a few new words along the way. It's pretty enjoyable, though a bit awkward since the mother was in the same room reading out newspaper, circling words she's trying to learn. Luckily, she wasn't intrusive in anyway and both mother and son seem rather nice. Looks like I'll be making an extra $10-$20 a week.

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