Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Everyone else was doing it

I think this is proof that I'll easly jump on a bandwagon I was once disgusted by if people I like do it. After all, I spontaneously decided to set up my own web log (or blog) about a month after Jordan and Aiden started their own blogs (or web logs) and have no idea if I'll update regularly or say anything of interest or importance. Next thing you know I'll get a cellphone with a ringtone, a sure sign of madness.

Anyhoo, the point is basically to get things off my chest and share my own thoughts, as well as talk about comics, movies, TV, books and anything that distracts me from real life. I plan to post once every three days or so or whenever there is something interesting for me to comment on.


Requiem said...

To be fair. While i do have a cellphone i almost always have it on vibrate so no one has to hear the ringtones.

Stefan Robak said...

And because it's stimulating. Ooooh, yeah.

Requiem said...

If you ever want to borrow it let me know. I can get a friend of mine to set up an autodialer to call my cell every 5 minutes or so so you can enjoy it :P